Cómo solucionar aflicciones y efectos de estado en Starfield
El universo de Starfield es un lugar peligroso. Puedes ser acuchillado por depredadores, disparado por piratas y cocinado por la radiación en planetas inhóspitos. En el juego, estas lesiones se registran como Aflicciones que pueden aplicar algunos efectos de estado molestos y dañinos a tu personaje.
Si no tienes cuidado, estos efectos pueden acumularse rápidamente. Las heridas punzantes, los huesos rotos, las infecciones, el veneno y otras dolencias horribles pueden arrastrar a tu personaje hacia abajo en Starfield . Es lo último de lo que quieres preocuparte cuando los piratas espaciales te persiguen.
No te preocupes, para cada enfermedad espacial existe una cura espacial. Aquí tienes tu guía sobre cómo solucionar las aflicciones en Starfield .
En esta página:
- Cómo funcionan las aflicciones y los efectos de estado
- Cómo solucionar aflicciones y efectos de estado
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Cómo funcionan las aflicciones y los efectos de estado en Starfield
Las aflicciones básicas aplican un efecto de estado negativo a tu personaje. Las aflicciones agudas y graves pueden aplicar múltiples efectos de estado. Si obtienes una Aflicción que ya tienes, su gravedad mejorará.
Afflictions are noted as triangular symbols on the left of your watch display. To find out how the Affliction is affecting your character, highlight Status Effects in the Status Menu for a description.
Afflictions also have a Prognosis rating that improves over time from Poor, to Stable, to Good, and finally Excellent. With each rating improvement above Poor, there’s an increasingly good chance that the Affliction will heal. If you receive the same Affliction again before it has healed, its prognosis will reset to Poor.
This is how it works in practice – a mean space dog slashes you with its claws! This gives you a basic Affliction called Laceration. You head into the Status Menu, highlight Status Effects, and see that Laceration causes Pain, which drains 02 whenever you take damage. The Prognosis is poor, so it might be a while before the Affliction heals.
Nobody wants to stay Lacerated for long, so what can you do?
How to fix Afflictions and Status Effects in Starfield
You can let the prognosis gradually improve, of course, and if an Affliction’s prognosis is Excellent you might want to wait for it to heal quickly rather than waste healing resources. If you want an instant fix any time, you need Aid items.
To quickly find the right Aid item for your Affliction, head to the Aid section of your Inventory and pick one with a triangular icon that matches the one on your watch. You can also read Aid item descriptions for a list of Afflictions that they can heal.
For example, let’s say you have waded into a frozen lake and gained the Frostbite Affliction. This appears as an orange triangle with black droplets on your watch. Head into the Aid section of your Inventory and skim the list for an item with the same orange triangle (Heal Paste, for example), and apply it to cure your Frostbite immediately.
Alternatively, visit a Doctor. Doctors can heal Afflictions right away, and can sell you Aid items for use in the field.
We’re still discovering the many Afflictions and Status Effects that can befall your character in Starfield, and we’ll put together a list as we go. In the meantime this quick explainer will hopefully help you shake off some of the nastier injuries that can occur on Starfield’s dangerous frontiers.
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